sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2015

Dear Pope Francis and officials, celebrities and sportsmen in general, especially Maradona, Messi, Neymar, Mascherano, De Maria, Carlitos Tevez, Sorin, FC Common Sense and others, members of the three countries that make up the Southern Cone; Argentina, Brazil & Uruguay! SOS / Urgent Relief / HELP! I am since 1993 a victim / witness alive Shares; Decisions / Sentences erroneously Sentencing (Judicial Errors) based on news planted intentionally in the Press / Media (Brown), whose members fall in the 2nd half of Sean Penn's complaint: "Good Journalists Build the World. Destroy the evil "! let themselves be deliberately used by the bad public servants of our sacred responsible institutions of adjudication with the advent of CF / 1988; ie Judicial Police (Civilian, Federal and Military); Public and Judiciary / Magistracy Ministry, which with its prerogatives in full inadmissible regime had as a democratic right; as in the case of members of the ministerial body (Promoters / Attorneys) adjectival by their own co-Nazis, sporting an unlimited power in the exercise of their duties with full constitutional autonomy; as well as in the judiciary / magistrates with their super discretionary powers that make them sleep thinking they are God and eventually convinced to be so! For sporting powers similar to those that have been delegated / granted by God the Father Almighty to your JESUS ​​CHRIST eldest son when he became man down the land being persecuted, tortured and killed in CROSS to save us all we humans unworthy of ostentarmos sinners like I wish I could make this desperate plea of ​​a "Poor Boy" who was the victim of adversity he faced since its birth in 5:10:50 at 06 o'clock in the 5th Monday morning, in a poor family cot and illiterate; It is descended from maternal grandparents of Indians and Africans; why ever had to face discrimination and social prejudices, racial, physical, family, students, professionals, politicians and even legal in this his career victory, even after being stricken with Polio in June 1953; was initiated immediately physical therapy hospital and outpatient medical treatment in POLICLÍNICA currently House of Culture by the end of December 1953, which made the sequelae of this disease then considered at the time AID / HIV and current cancer; because there was still no vaccine which would combat this epidemic; when I had to interrupt this promising treatment because his father decided to move the whole family to the countryside of the municipality of Buriti Alegre / MG / Brazil, not accepting that your child stay with his maternal grandmother Mariquinha Baptist famous healer of the Workers' Village to continue the treatment; this unacceptable interruption caused this "Poor Boy" had to go to ride / walk, play, work on the back of a mule kneading clay touching the Pottery mill for making bricks in 1954 and 1955 in Furnas / Black Forest region in rural municipality of Buriti Alegre / GO; birth region also Marrone’s duo with Bruno! During the years 1956, 1957 and until July 1958 when we return to our hometown this "Poor Boy" even boasting special needs has never failed to help his family also working capinador of grain crops in Eduardo Ignatius Farms; Alice Luiza Coelho Gomes Figueira and Hermenegildo Borges with a small hoe which was given by his Fiíco uncle who always depended on him because of the absence of our parent who has become an alcoholic causing it separated in August 1957;;;;;https;//Rubin"TheHurricane"; mpjud; https: // vitimasdeerrosjudiciarios.;(34) 3213-7256 & Cell.:(34)9-9991-9137 Donations to Econômica Federal Agency 0161 Operation Type 001 Current Account No. 0021.018-2 Square Osvaldo Cruz Center in Uberlândia/MG/Brazil;

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